(click title to view section)
Community Question
The Topless Topics Community Question is an audience-participation project where every few weeks (well, months) I’ll put a question out there for the Topless Topics community to mull over then send in their own submissions in answer that I’ll then cobble together into one video, as well as link to their original content for those who want to see more (like clipping highlights out of longer video submissions).
Submissions don’t have to be videos–could be art, written text posts for me to read aloud, whatever. We’ll figure it out as we go along! If you’d like more detailed guides for how to submit different types of content, check out the collaboration page:
In your own words, what is nudism/naturism to you? What is it not? If you don’t consider yourself a nudist, why not? (wow I feel like a high school English teacher XD)
Possible future community questions:
- Feel free to suggest a future question by contacting me!
- “How Can Men Help #FreeTheNipple/#NormalizeNudity?”
- What shouldn’t you say in a clothing-optional environment? (especially, to a topless or fully nude woman?)
- Why do men send unsolicited dick pics?
- what is the difference between nudity and sex?
Social Media Campaigns:
Unlike “Community Questions,” social media campaigns are continuing projects where you can easily take part by simply posting the picture to your own social media accounts and including the relevant hashtag so others can find your post!
You can also contact me with a link to your specific post, if you’d like me to include it on the relevant page here on the site!
When I first launched these projects, I offered to have those of you interested in taking part but wanting to preserve your anonymity to submit your posts directly to me and I could then blur your faces and share your post without including your name directly to the Topless Topics social media accounts. However, the response to this has been overwhelming, and I just don’t have time to keep on top of it anymore!
If you would like to take part in these projects but wish to keep your anonymity, please use any of the many free apps available to blur your face out, and/or make your own “sock puppet”/alternate social media accounts to post your photos on your own! And don’t forget to include the relevant hashtag in the body/description of your post, so others can find it by searching for that tag. 🙂

Show the world that not all nudity is sexual by posting your own nonsexual nude selfies every Sunday!

If you “look female,” you can make your selfies social media-safe by simply photoshopping your head onto a perfectly safe-for-work male body instead!
(posting male nipples over your female ones doesn’t work, because ALL GENDERS’ NIPPLES LOOK THE SAME and social media algorithms won’t detect that your new nipples are, in fact, child-friendly)

Just a friendly reminder that we would have ended this pandemic months ago if so many ‘muricans weren’t such selfish idiots and would just #wearafuckingmask!
How to Submit Your Entry
- More specific guidance can be found here:
- Or, in a nutshell, you can participate these ways:
- For Community Questions: film/record/type out your answer and post it to your own social media account/youtube or vimeo channel/etc then contact me with the link to your submission
- For social media campaigns: Post your submission to your own social media account and include the relevant hashtag so others can find it! Feel free to contact me with the link to your post if you’d like me to retweet it and/or include it on the relevant campaign page!
Community Member Links
I wanted to add this section in so that any community members who are content creators/activists/etc can share their links for others to show support by following/subscribing/etc!
If you’d like to be added, simply contact me and please include some or all of this information:
- Username/What should we call you?
- Any/all links you want included (social media, video channel, whatevs)
- What kind of content do you make?
- Links to any collaboration we might have done already (I’ll add these myself ;p )