Keep Topless Topics Running by Donating!


Thanks for your interest in donating to the cause! I’m still in the process of cleaning this page up, but feel free to scroll down to the section that interests you:

Current State of Donation Accounts

Longtime followers of Topless Topics will know this: over all these years of censorship, shadowbanning, and dealing head-on with the amazing ease with which my Dedicated Cabal of Haters(tm) can get my content banned everywhere and anywhere, regardless of actual ToS violations or not, I’ve been through a lot.

One of the most frustrating (lol understatement) aspects of the constant fight is that just trying to get my videos up anywhere takes SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT, and leaves basically nothing left over to pursue any other activities, like recording more ambitious interviews (such as interviewing professional sex workers etc who have even more restrictive schedules than I do); or, say, finding a photographer and making myself a costume for a new “artistic nude photoshoot“. Or keeping this very website fully up-to-date!

All of this is to say that I really don’t have opportunities to put together custom, patron-only perks to incentivize signing up for Patreon, or buying nonsexual nude photography through OnlyFans, etc–since I refuse to provide anything ACTUALLY pornographic, and I have neither the financial resources nor the time to produce something like branded T-shirts, or custom videos (again, no porn).

I am as it happens a professional graphic designer/illustrator (at least before I had kids, I was), and if you want to help Topless Topics exist but don’t want to donate merely for the pleasure of it, you might consider hiring me for your graphic design/illustration project. You can find out more about my rates and past work here:

Anyway, please always keep in mind that ALL OF TOPLESS TOPICS IS CREATED BY ONE SINGLE PERSON, ME, which includes ALL of the video recording, editing, uploading, social media post publishing (so others can find said videos), fan/hatemail responding, livestreaming, etc etc etc. Which is a lot!

So basically, I offer donation perks when I can, but please only ever become a donor (monthly or one-time) if you’re aware of the following:

  • I will never, ever, ever produce pornographic content for your viewing pleasure, no matter how much money you offer, or how much of a “special fan” you think you are. There are a bajillion actual sex workers all over the internet already–how about you inquire about purchasing pornography from them, instead??
  • Efforts to offer perks like single-download photography, early access to videos, etc. are dependent on how much time and opportunity I have to set up such things in advance, which is not always possible. Trust me, I’m not just making excuses when I say I’m trying my best!

So as long as you understand the two points above, and are donating because you want to support the existence and growth of Topless Topics as a mission and a source of entertainment, then please feel free to check out the following methods of financially supporting this project!

(and/or if you want to be a huge help WITHOUT spending real money, please consider joining my Promo Squad! Info here:

Methods for Donating:

  • Monthly Donations with Reward Tiers through Patreon
  • Pay-Per-Post purchases to videos and artistic nude photography through OnlyFans (free to sign up, pay only for the content you want to see)
    • You can subscribe by clicking here!
    • Please note however that OnlyFans takes a huge (20%) cut, so if your main motivation is helping to fund Topless Topics, then please use one of the other methods on this page!
  • One-Time Donations through Paypal
    • (Click the graphic above!)
  • Donate through Venmo: @toptopicstv

Donation Goals

(to be updated with specific prices later)

  • Set up my own individual video hosting where I’ll never again be dependent on whether or not haters find a way to shut down my content thru false-flagging, bandwidth exploitation, or more!
  • Design and print custom Topless Topics-branded Shirts, Mugs etc with cute phrases like “don’t be a twit, they’re just tits”
  • Upgrade recording equipment for on-the-field recording such as at civil rights protests and sex-positive comedy shows
  • Finance attending conventions like Vidcon and other public events where I can look for interesting people to interview, and spread the good word about topless equality!
  • Hire some part-time staff like a Social Media Manager and Web Developer to handle more of the backend stuff, freeing me up for more actual creation of new videos and other content!