Are you, too, a supporter of topless equality and normalizing nonsexual nudity? Would you like to demonstrate that support but aren’t sure how? Or perhaps you’re interested in gaining access to the uncensored versions of my #freethenipple videos but are unable to become a $2 Patreon donor?
Then here’s what you can do to help!
(BTW if you don’t want to go through all this hassle just to see my NSFW videos, you can also just become a Patreon donor for $2 a month! Find out more here: https://www.patreon.com/ToplessTopics )
Perks of Being a Promo Squad Member
To incentivize participation and support by Topless Topics followers, I’m offering a (constantly evolving) list of potential perks you can unlock by earning enough points through the methods described below!
If you have ideas for other perks I should offer, please contact me to suggest them! (nothing pornographic. as always.)
- (10 points) Earn credits for free purchases of your own digital photo download from the artistic nude photoshoots I’ve done in the past, using this Photo Picker link: https://www.toplesstopics.org/photopicker/
Please note that earning points per week is cumulative, meaning that a point that goes towards unlocking SQ videos ALSO counts towards unlocking the higher level perks, as long as you reach that total! (e.g. retweeting my promo links 10 times unlocks SQ videos, those same 10 retweets + 10 more retweets gets you SQ AND HQ videos, those same 20 retweets + 10 more retweets gets you SQ, HQ AND digital photos–hopefully that makes sense!)
Sounds great! How do I earn points to unlock those awesome perks, you may be asking? Well, read on!
The Steps for Being an Awesome Promo Squad Member:
- Join one or all of our various Promo Squad groups on the platform of your choice:
- Discord- Join our Topless Topics Discord Server by clicking here, then in the #general-chat room, request to be granted access! You’ll then be invited to join our secret promo squad group, where I will post links to content I would like you to share, and every share gets you a point! TRIPLE points for original posts as detailed in this helpful guide: www.toplesstopics.org/howtohelp
- Twitter- Send a DM to me @ToplessTopics and request to be added! Once added, you’ll have the “Promo Squad” show up in your Twitter DM list, and any time you retweet something I post to the group, you’ll get a point! TRIPLE points if you make your own original post (not a retweet/reshare) as detailed in this helpful guide: www.toplesstopics.org/howtohelp
- Once you’re a member of one of the promo squads and you start retweeting/resharing (or better yet, making your own original posts about Topless Topics), you’ll start accruing “points” (an informal metric to gauge how involved you are in promoting the Topless Topics message, rather than just passively consuming it)
- Points-attribution depends on the difficulty of the task, but can roughly be broken down into:
- One point for a one-click retweet/reshare (just clicking “retweet/reshare” under the post)
- One point for leaving a relevant comment on the post (something like your thoughtful input on the subject brought up in that post)
- Two points for a retweet/reshare WITH added commentary of your own, like “Please check out this video from Topless Topics about (subject), I think she’s very accurate when she talks about (issue)!” etc on a quoted retweet)
- THREE points for an ORIGINAL post (not a retweet/reshare, but an original post created BY YOU with links and/or images that link back to Topless Topics content) as detailed here: www.toplesstopics.org/howtohelp
- There’s more info in the above link on why original posts are more valuable than retweets, but the nutshell summary is that retweets of MY content are still subject to the shadowbanning that keeps my content from showing up in non-followers’ timelines (preventing organic growth of the channel) and also, if the original (my) post is banned, then the retweet gets banned also. That’s why original posts are so much more useful!
- TEN points for reply videos that go into detail about a subject or issue that I’ve talked about in my content, with a link back to my content that that video is in response to–such as, I review a movie (Night of the Living Dead, or whatever), you record and post your OWN review of that same movie, and say in the video “this is my reply to Topless Topics’ review of this movie.” Or, I make a video discussing a particular issue (common myths about nudism, for instance), you post your own original video saying “here are my thoughts on what Topless Topics said in her video “common myths about nudism,” and some other myths I thought of that I want to add.”) If I’m still not making sense, then please feel free to ask me for clarification using any of the forms of contact at www.toplesstopics.org/contact !
- Once a week, your points for that week will be counted and if you’ve reached at least ten of them, then you’ll be sent the unlisted link for any new video (or other special access projects I put out) as they became available. You can reach this ten point threshold through whatever method appeals to you most–that could be ten one-point comment replies, or three original points for 6 points total, plus two quote retweets for the rest of the 4 points; or ONE reply VIDEO for all ten points at once–whatever motivates you!
- As of right now, I don’t have extra “prizes” to offer for getting more than ten points per week, but I definitely notice those of you who engage with and support me the most, and you will be kept in consideration if I ever do have the ability to start offering more interesting perks to those who go above and beyond in supporting me!
To make it easier for me to record points for your shares and replies, you can directly link me to your reposts:
- Post a link to your retweet/etc to the Twitter Promo Squad group (once you’ve been invited to join it), or
- Post a link to your retweet/etc to the promo squad Discord group (once you’ve been invited to join it)
Then I’ll manually make note of each point you accrue, and if you’ve posted enough to earn ten points that week, I’ll send you the link to any new content!
Does that make sense? Hopefully! This process is awkward AF I know, and will take time for me to personally oversee, but given that my dedicated cabal of haters has made any effort to make my content accessible to all moot (by utilizing false flagging to get me banned everywhere that provides “free” access, like Youtube and Facebook), and when I’m not outright banned, my content is “shadowbanned,” meaning you have to have a logged-in account with “show mature content” enabled, and follow a direct link to my profile to see any of my content–my posts WILL NOT SHOW UP in the timeline of anyone who doesn’t directly follow a link to my profile, not even if you search for Topless Topics.
So I’m dependent on digital word-of-mouth to grow at all, meaning I am dependent on YOU, reading this right now, to be outspoken in your support of my mission by making your own social media posts telling others about my content!
Please! Don’t let my content’s only retweets come from brainless pornbot accounts who are only retweeting because all they see are my heinous female nipples! I beg you ;_;