Tag: life update
Topless Topics Only Vlogs
Since all my content is under the constant threat of being perma-banned thanks to easily exploitable false reporting systems at the mercy of trolls, I decided to make a whole new Youtube channel just for my unscripted, unplanned “personal vlogs”, which you can subscribe to here: Topless Topics Only Vlogs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtkjfehiqC60r9vcQkFW0wA (I need to get…
Life Update: Mom Beat Cancer! (sorta)
Shot an impromptu video with my mom about how she didn’t die of cancer as the doctors predicted after all! So even if you’re given a dismal diagnosis, don’t give up hope yet! (if you’re wondering about the weird video effects etc. I recently upgraded to the 2020 version of Premiere and they changed the…
Topless Topics Live Update (Sept 2019): Cancer, Cervix Colposcopies, Couples Counseling, oh my!
I felt it was time to do another life update vlog for anyone curious what’s going on in my life right now, and it turned out I have a lot to say, so I broke it up into three parts approximately by category. All three parts are embedded below in the order that they were…
Topless topics cancer shed update
A quick and dirty update video shot on my video for those of you who refuse to follow me on social media (Twitter, Instagram, mewe…. It’s always just @toplesstopics) The long and short of it is my shed finally arrived, but it doesn’t fit in my backyard, doesn’t get any wifi signal, my husband is…
March 2019 Update
Hey guys, long time no chat! Sorry about that–the main reason is that I was laid out flat with stomach flu for over a week, on top of usual parenting duties. Anywho, I figured it’s time for a new update video, and as an experiment I split it up into six parts based on topic,…