UPDATE: turns out as long as the HEAD “looks female,” the rest of the body is still considered objectionable enough to get banned anyway! (At least when -I- post it, since I’m so super special that I get oodles more bans than countless others who post so much less censored content every day)
Well that was fun! Maybe we should try the opposite, put male heads over female bodies and see if social media trash platforms still ban them? Wait, they do? Well, shit.
(Name might change if I can think of something more catchy!)
Inspired by this thread on Twitter, I decided to launch a semi-community effort that utilizes the unique benefit of having so many male-identified male-looking followers: using your submitted pictures of male chests to (intentionally badly) photoshop my own face over them so I can fight for topless equality on social media without getting banned for using my own heinous female nipples!
If you’d like to submit your own male chest for me to use in this project, please email it to toplesstopicstv@gmail.com as well as whatever name/username/etc you want the picture attributed to (or I can keep it anonymous if you prefer, just say so in your email!) and after I photoshop my head onto it, I’ll post it to the various Topless Topics social media accounts! (And as always, I would be flattered and appreciative if you shared the content to your own social media accounts!)
Email your submissions here: toplesstopicstv@gmail.com
Or, if you’re a female-identifying person (or rather, if Facebook etc’s algorithms are more likely to peg you as “female”) and you want to take part of this project, you can email your picture to the above address along with your name/whatever and I can shop your -head- onto someone else’s male chest, so we can all participate! YAY!
Here are the #MaleNipsForEquality pictures I’ve ‘shopped so far: