Hey guys, I’m afraid I’ve got a potentially difficult decision to make…
I’m going to be changing around some of the pricing for donation tiers, because while I greatly appreciate each and every one of you, I’m not making enough to even pay off existing Topless Topics-related debts, let alone pay anything towards the many, many hours I put into producing my content. So-
Following the advice of some vidcon virtual panels I’ve been attending, on August 20th, I’m going to be changing the lowest $1 tier to $2 instead. Hopefully this won’t be prohibitively too expensive for you, and will help me out a lot more to make regular, high quality content, as it allows me to pay for recurring expenses like video hosting and paying off my recording shed, and funding the purchase of higher quality recording devices. You can find more information about such donation goals here: https://www.toplesstopics.org/donate/
Unfortunately, Patreon doesn’t allow me to simply change the amount of the subscription–I have to make a whole-new tier at $2, and delete the $1 afterward. This means that anyone who is currently listed as a $1 tier patron will be removed from the subscription, and will have to sign up for the $2 tier instead. Otherwise everything should be the same, and if you would perhaps like to sign up for a higher tier (see my profile page for descriptions of each tier: https://www.patreon.com/ToplessTopics ) then I’ll greatly appreciate it!
If this discourages you from staying on as a patron, I understand, and I appreciate the support you’ve given me up until now! I don’t have a lot of time to make posts here on Patreon every time I have new content available, so I strongly urge you to follow me on social media as well, where I do post an update every time a new video goes up, a livestream is about to start, etc:
Social Media Links:
- Mastodon:
- Discord Chat:
- Patreon Donations:
- Etsy Store:
- TROM/PeerTube:
- Youtube:
- Instagram:
- Facebook:
- Video Game Livestreams:
- Email:
I don’t have time to reply to every message, but I do read all of them, and will reply to direct inquiries if I can!