NEW PARODY VIDEO SERIES IDEA: “Topless Topics Does…[Genre]”

NEW PARODY VIDEO SERIES IDEA: “Topless Topics Does…[Genre]”

Hey y’all, I wanted to ask the Topless Topics community what your thoughts are on a new video series idea I came up with recently, “Topless Topics Does… [popular genre/type of youtube video]”

The basic premise is that each video will feature a highly-satirized version of some popular video type frequently found on Youtube, done for maximum comedic effect. The purpose will be to “poke fun” at these video genres, I don’t want to be overly mean or insulting, but I won’t hold back either. Each video will be clearly labeled at the onset that these are PARODIES, so if someone still glides past that and assumes these are legitimate, whelp. *shrug* At least it means lots of hate-views! XD

Some genres and ideas to go with that genre are:

  • “Unboxing Videos”
    • I’ll do an overly enthusiastic job of “unboxing” extremely mundane objects, like a tape dispenser and maybe dental floss
  • “Fashion Haul”
    • Go to a thrift store, pick out a bunch of weird/lame clothing, then “show it off” as if it’s haute couture
  • “Horror Game Let’s Plays”
  • “Make-Up Tutorials”
    • using cheap dollar store makeup and not knowing wtf I’m doing (which won’t even be pretending, really)
  • “Prank Videos”
    • Imitate some of the “classics,” only I don’t actually want to hurt anyone and I don’t have any local acting friends so I’ll probably just play all the roles myself…
  • “Drama Alert” gossip talkshows
    • Make up some outrageous claims about other popular youtubers, clearly obviously parody stuff (then again, there’s no such thing as obvious satire on the internet anymore), shared over-the-top dramatically
  • (Terrible) “Dating Advice”
    • Pretend to give obviously horrible and nonsensical dating advice (could be other types of advice as well). Maybe stage with fake question emails?
  • “Arthouse Short Film”
    • Overly serious, black-and-white, meaning-of-life type of “is this parody or is this real?” short film kinda thing
  • Documentary
    • Pretend documentary about something very silly like my life as a video creator, done with lots of fake crying and dramatic yelling on camera
  • “Flash Animator”
    • MS Paint-level awkward, bad quality flash animation, delivered as if I’m trying to make it earnestly good
  • “Original Music Video”
    • Very earnestly hit random keys on my electric keyboard and sing badly off-tune an original song about how much it sucks to be a feminist video creator online

More racy/divisive parody ideas:

  • alt-right-alex-jones-ben-shapiro type screaming show, but even more ridiculous (if that’s possible)
  • mocking bodybuilding videos but with my heinous female nipples visible, so obviously blurred to oblivion, hopefully illustrating how hypocritical and sexist and transphobic youtube’s (and all popular social media’s) censorship of nipples is


That’s all I’ve got for now, but I’ll come back and add more to this page as I think of it!

Now, it’s your turn! Are there any other genres/types of videos you would like to see me parody? Maybe you have some small ideas to go with the general ideas listed above? Let me know!

You can email me at with the subject “Topless Topics Does… Parody Idea” or Tweet it at me, DM it to me on Instagram, post it to the Facebook page, submit it to the Topless Topics Subreddit, whatever! (email is best, though….)

I don’t know when/where/how I’ll be able to start creating these videos, as they’ll take a lot more time, props, materials (and babysitting) for me to accomplish, but I hope I can get at least a few of them out ahead of Vidcon in June!

Thanks as always for your viewership and support 😀


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