Also- I’ll be launching an OnlyFans soon! Stay tuned~
Hey guys, I’ve got more potentially earth-shattering news to share with you all regarding my livestream schedule, as well as how accessibility to my content will be changing in the near future.
So, I could wax on about this, but I’ll try to keep this brief:
As much as I truly care about fighting for topless equality and normalizing nudity (which are NOT the same), I put a LOT of hours into recording, editing, publishing, promoting etc all my content, not to mention the daily social media engagement I take part in to stay connected to you all.
Please don’t forget, I am the ONLY PERSON behind ALL of Topless Topics, and I’m also mother to very intense and wild two and four year olds, with no regular childcare options available to me.
TL;DR it’s a lot.
Again, for brevity’s sake, I’m gonna try to limit my explanation to thus:
I will always, always appreciate all of you and your support, and I mean it when I say that one kind comment means more to me than a thousand faceless, interactionless views.
But one-on-one social media conversations don’t pay the bills. All the views in the world don’t matter when Every. Single. Platform. I’ve ever posted my content to disables me from monetization, when they’re not banning me outright. I have a Patreon and an Etsy already, but my options for what I can put in the store are very limited, as I don’t have the advance funds nor the time to make my own merchandise (trust me, I keep trying) and I have only ever had very few patrons–a combination of legitimate supporters who simply can’t afford it, and pornbots who subscribe hoping for sexually explicit content no matter how many times I clearly state that I will NOT make porn, then unsubscribing in a huff.
So, I’m gonna try some new forms of revenue instead. At least enough to hopefully break even on recurring expenses like video hosting and paying off my recording shed, let alone actually making any sort of wage for the countless hours I spend creating content. Instead of literally having to ask my husband for money so I can pay for these things while I shove the kids off onto my elderly parents so I can make all my content for free.
So here’s how I’m gonna try things:
Friday’s livestreams, which let’s be honest very few of you were attending (I get it, most of you are probably at work) are getting canceled/moved to Sundays instead, still 1-4pm PST, and will now feature NO NSFW content (well, according to how Youtube/Facebook/Twitch/etc consider “NSFW”). That means Sundays will contain video game streams (which somehow are considered SFW even when they’re full of CGI violence and gore), possibly drawing some not-nude artwork, doing arts and crafts with a shirt on, tame stuff like that.
On Saturdays we have the biggest change:
Rather than stream for free 1-4pm, I’ll be streaming 3-7pm PST, and the stream will be PATRON/SUBSCRIBER ONLY.
You’ll be able to subscribe as a patron on Patreon (level $10 tier) or OnlyFans ($10 tier) to take part in such livestreams, which will be linked to at the time of each stream.
Please be aware that the content of these streams will NOT be all that different from the streams I’ve been doing already on Vimeo- That is to say, I will NOT be doing anything “sexually gratifying”/pornographic in these streams, unless you’re using Youtube/Facebook/Twitch’s definition of “sexually explicit content”
Let me repeat this for those of you who somehow haven’t heard me say this ad nauseum already:
!I will never produce pornographic content featuring myself!
!No matter how long you’ve been following me!
!No matter how “nicely” you request it!
!No matter how much money you offer to pay me, even “discreetly”!
So what will my donor-only livestreams contain?
Why, fun stuff like:
- Topless Gaming!
- Me drawing porn!
- Behind-The-Scenes Video Editing!
- Ask-Me-Anything Chats!
- Interviews with Other Creators, including OnlyFans Creators who actually DO do porn!
And other such activities, to be determined as time and demand allow.
Other perks to donors will include:
- donor-only NSFW livestreams every Saturday at 3-7pm PST
- see new videos a week early, before the rest of the world!
- invitation to the donor-only room on the Topless Topics Discord chat server
- daily #freethenipple/#normalizenudity posts (OnlyFans only, since Snapchat is the only image-sharing social media platform that allows nudity but doesn’t have an option to schedule posts ahead)
I hope to expand the above options as time and finances allowed, like I’d love to start including merchandise if I can get the funding to advance-order the merch (like, idk, branded Topless Topics coffee mugs?) so if you’d be interested in that, please become a donor and email me your ideas for donor-only activities and rewards! (still, again, no porn)
Anyway, that’s about it-
I’ll be doing one more free 1-3pm Saturday livestream this weekend, August 8, to get the word out and give interested parties a chance to become a donor. After that, free 1-4pm Sunday livestreams will take over instead of Fridays, and all my videos will eventually be put up for free viewing, including the NSFW versions on Vimeo. But if you want to see them sooner–I’ll say this just one more time–please consider becoming a subscriber!
(One final note)
I know I’m going to lose followers over these decisions, namely among the normalize nudity/nudist followers I have, who will see me putting any kind of a paywall on !some! of my content as a “betrayal” of the nonsexual nudity mission. And look guys, I would LOVE it if I was independently wealthy, with access to free babysitting and all the leisure time I could ask for to keep pouring myself into making free content for you all to view at your pleasure.
But I’m not, and I can’t keep doing this. I have been making online content for fifteen plus years–and not once have I ever earned enough from it to count as a living wage, no matter how hard and how long I’ve worked at it.
Even now, with some of my videos reaching OVER TEN MILLION VIEWS, I don’t make a CENT off of them because I’m banned from monetizing, and I don’t get enough donors on Patreon or sales through Etsy to even pay for the web hosting of said free videos. So if it disappoints you to see me “profiting off my body by selling access to it,” I’m honestly sorry to see you go, but I’m not gonna keep up with this endless labor at the sacrifice of being a good mother, not to mention having no time or energy left over for ANYTHING outside of Topless Topics.
As Edyn Blair, the adult actress and exotic dancer, said in my interview with her:
“If guys are gonna sexually objectify me anyway, I might as well make some money from it!”