New Tech Tutorial: Digitally Editing Nude Photography in Photoshop for Etsy!

New Tech Tutorial: Digitally Editing Nude Photography in Photoshop for Etsy!

Topless Topics Tech Tutorials: Digitally Editing Nude Photography in Photoshop for Etsy! from Topless Topics on Vimeo.

(Please note: the above video is the TRAILER ONLY, you’ll have to purchase access through Vimeo On Demand to watch the full video!)

Hey cats, Cleo here to let you know a new Tech Tutorial video is now available! For just $1 through Vimeo On Demand, you can watch this video however many times you want! Or better yet, become a Patreon donor and receive access to ALL Tech Tutorials as soon as they become available! (Wow, much deal, very excellent price!)

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Hey cats, Cleo here with another Topless Topics Tech Tutorial! Finally we’re getting into the nitty gritty with Photoshop, the program I’ve been using for over a decade and can do most common tasks with in my sleep. This video covers the basics for how I clean up photos from a photography shoot before I make them available on Etsy, all proceeds of which go into helping me maintain and upgrade Topless Topics content! (So, thanks in advance for any purchases you make!)

Parts of this tutorial will only apply to your project if that’s the sort of thing you need to do–such as changing colors for only part of your photo, etc.–and I hope to create more tech tutorials in the future that cover other aspects of how to use Photoshop, Illustrator and the rest of the Adobe suite (possibly Corel Paint after I have a chance to refamiliarize myself, it’s been a while)!. If there’s a particular task you already know of that you need help figuring out, feel free to use the form at the bottom of the page at and I’ll consider it!

Otherwise, thanks for purchasing this video and helping me keep Topless Topics going! Maybe someday I’ll make enough donations to afford childcare, then I can really get cranking on producing lots of new content *laughcry*

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