Hey all, I wanted to let everyone know that I’m giving Snapchat another whirl, despite feeling like it’s kinda silly to pile another social media platform on to all the myriad other ones I’m already trying to keep up. But Snapchat claims they allow nonsexual nudity, so let’s try it (many websites claim this yet continue to ban me, alas).
To make it easier, only established regulars will be invited to follow. What does “established regular” mean? Well in a nutshell, I mean someone who I’ve regularly interacted with in tweets, comments, in the chatroom, etc, and have gotten to know and trust a little bit that you’re not just here to troll. This is to cut down on the chances of getting false flagged and shut down by assholes, and also because I really don’t want to create yet another avenue for me to get verbally abused in. There’s a reason I don’t read Youtube or Vimeo comments anymore. ????
So if you want to join my new “VIP Snapchat” (for lack of a better term) and you haven’t already established yourself as a regular, now’s a great time to start! Retweet, share, comment, chat, let us get to know who you are and I’ll add you. 🙂
(retweets etc. are always appreciated anyway; as I often say, they’re the most useful way for me to get past the constant bans and shadowbans every single one of my accounts has to deal with thanks to the misogyny of social media!)
If you feel like you already deserve the mantle of “regular” and want to be added to the Snapchat, send your snapchat name via DM on Instagram, Twitter, the Discord chat room or email toplesstopicstv@gmail.com!